Saturday, September 5, 2015

Star Angels Network Dare to Be Different Pageant

     At Star Angels Network, we host an annual fundraiser for the Special Persons Advocacy Network (SPAN).  SPAN provides education and support services for developmentally disabled citizens and their families. They offer recreational and social opportunities and provide funds for respite services. Long term goals for SPAN include assisting with housing for these individuals living in Boyle, Garrard, Lincoln, and Mercer Counties. SPAN meets monthly and now depends on us as one of their top yearly fundraisers!

      To show support for them, The Star Angels Network has initiated an annual pageant and talent showcase for exceptional children and adults.  This pageant provides a fun filled opportunity for each of these Exceptional Star Angels to shine and show off their talents at no cost to the contestants while they help raise money for a local agency which caters to their specific needs.  They feel valued, admired and have the enjoyment of performing for an audience who support and encourage them to excel despite their disabilities.

            Children and adults of all ages who live with a cognitive or developmental disability are welcome to apply. We provide everything free of charge excluding only shoes and transportation to tux and dress fittings, rehearsals, and other pageant related events.  All contestants receive an award which they earn through their individual talent and positive attributes.  Any and all profits made before the event go toward pageant cost with all proceeds the day of the event going straight to SPAN. All of the wonderful people who help make this happen work on a volunteer only basis. Volunteers can help by signing up in multiple ways including; donating services such as hair, gowns, photography, silent auction items, ect., recruiting sponsors, assisting in fundraising events, assisting with contestants during rehearsal times and pageant day, set-up and clean-up the day of the event, and so many other ways. Bring your heart and individual talent to this event and help us in our path to great positive change!

For more information about how you can join this group contact:

APPLICATION DEADLINE IS Friday September 18th, 2015

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